Our heart, our life.

Forests are true living treasures on our planet, where a myriad of life forms find shelter and sustenance. They are not just beautiful landscapes, but complex systems that regulate the climate, purify the air and provide essential resources for our survival. Every tree, every leaf, is a vital piece of this incredible puzzle of nature. Protecting and preserving forests is not just a responsibility, it is an act of love and gratitude for the life they support.

Types of integral

environmental protection areas

Learn about the different types of environmental protection areas, which aim to preserve ecosystems essential to life on Earth. From nature reserves to national parks, these protected areas encompass a variety of habitats and biodiversity.

Ecological Station

Ecological Station

Restricted natural area where scientific research is permitted only with prior authorization. These spaces are not open to public visitation.

Biological Reserve

Biological Reserve

Restricted natural area that aims to preserve the local fauna and flora. They are, therefore, preserved, with no human presence allowed, or even modifications to the natural landscape.

National park

National park

Extensive natural areas that are home to fauna and flora of great ecological and scenic importance. Visits are permitted, whether educational, scientific or touristic.

Natural Monument

Natural Monument

Unique and rare places that have great ecological and scenic importance. Human intervention is prohibited, although visitations are permitted.

Wildlife Refuge

Wildlife Refuge

Natural environments that guarantee the reproduction of fauna (resident or migratory) and flora species. Both public visits and scientific activities are restricted, requiring prior notice.

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